Sunday 5 October 2008

The New Blog

Well, I have created a blog on Blogspot, which to be honest is much better than AOL Journal. Today I was at work, so I am a little tired, and in about an hour, I am going off to look after 3 boys, two teenagers and one primary school. I am not looking forward to this, as I am nore use to looking after teenyboppers.I will not write about how it goes, as there really is no need, so I will say bye for now.


David Cochrane said...

Haha, found you!

Oh, and so you know; penguins can't fly because their bodies are far too large and heavy for the size of their wings.

Jenny G said...

Thank you! I will remember that.

Matthew Cochrane said...

It's easy to find, when comments are left elsewhere.

Here's a fuller answer, which I think David may have copied and pasted.

Jenny G said...

Thank you for answering my question both of you! Any questions I can answer for you chaps?

Matthew Cochrane said...

If the Earth is round why is a table flat?

Jenny G said...

It is just being twisted.