Monday 2 February 2009

New Photo

I have decided that I need a new photo for my blog and my Twitter profile. The one that I have on just now is an ok one, but I would prefer one with just me. If anyone has any photos (mum, this DOES NOT include baby photos) I would be interested.

Only one more prelim and then I am free for... 3 and a 1/2 months. Bring on the February holiday! Nothing else is new with me. My life is quite boring at the moment. I think that I will just add a few videos or something.

Bye bye.



Jenny G said...

Have since noticed that I am not photogenic. Oh well. I will be keeping this photo for quite a while.

Matthew Cochrane said...

Just because you posted the song, I quote a review of it written by Squarepusher (don't ask) when he temporarily took over the Guardian's music website.

Have any of you scruffbags out there suspected that life was inherently pointless? If you were in any doubt, Alesha Dixon is on hand to remorselessly smash the point home. Reeling from the shock, you collect your thoughts. What was it she said? Your shake your head, stammering in denial like a drunkard refusing to accept his inebriated state. Say it slowly: if you don't wash the dishes, clean your house or preen yourself in order to impress others you are not doing anything. Nothing else counts. This is in accordance with Alesha's brave new reformulation of the Cartesian cogito argument: "I clean, therefore I am." So remember kids, clean up - or fail to exist!