Thursday 2 September 2010

Do You Remember Me?!

Well hi!

I haven't posted a blog since April! Well, what have I been up to since April?!

In May, I turned 18, which didn't make very many changes. I still haven't been ID'ed in a pub, though I have been ID'ed in HMV for buying a DVD with the age certificate of 15... May also brought my final exams at high school. They weren't too bad and I passed all of them, which I was rather pleased about!

As for June, that month is a bit of a blur. I hardly did anything, mostly housework. July brought my Nana's 80th birthday party, which meant the boyfriend had the opportunity to meet most of my family, poor man! However, he survived and it turned out to be a very enjoyable evening. After that, the parents, the sister and I went down to Wales for two weeks. It was a very quiet fortnight, mostly filled with reading books (I finished ten) and listening to music. Two weeks after we returned from Wales, I went up to Aberfeldy for a week with the boyfriend and his parents. It was an enjoyable week away and I hope to go back up to that area next year!

As for August, I have been getting ready to start at Stevenson College Edinburgh, where I will be studying Classical Music! I had originally planned to go to Napier University, but I did not attain the required grade in Higher English to meet my condition. However, the course at Stevenson is practically the same course, so I can go to Napier in two years time! I am really looking forward to starting (next Monday), especially meeting new people who have very similar interests. The downside of going to Stevenson is the travelling. I have to leave Biggar at seven o'clock to drive all the way up to Livingstone, then walk to the Shopping centre which is twenty minutes away, then hop on a bus to Sighthill and then walk another half an hour through a business estate to the college. This year will be long! And involve a lot of coffee. But it's exciting!

Anyway, I shall try and write another post soon.


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