Wednesday 14 April 2010

Three and a half hours later...

Ok, here is my short movie review on Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring.

The first time I saw Fellowship of the Ring, I was nine and I went to see it in the cinema with my Dad. I think that it is fair to say that most nine year olds would be scared of the film. Also, I was there against my will which didn't help matters. Anyway, I didn't enjoy it and nver watched it again. That is until my delightful boyfriend told me that I should watch it and gave me the special edition. So, being a loving girlfriend, I watched it last night. All three and a half hours of it.

I won't go into detail about the film as most of the readers of this blog have seen it (and lent it to me....), so I will just start my little rant. The storyline is ok, but I wasn't drawn into the story at all. The special effects were visually dynamic, as was the scenery, but I didn't care about the characters, what they had to do, where they had to go or who they met.

Also, I had forgotten that Orlando Bloom was in the film. With long blonde hair, pointy ears and a bow and arrows. The man cannot act. I was basically watching Will Turner walking around with elves, dwarfs and hobbits and aiming his bow and arrow at... well, I can't remember what the big beasties were called, but they didn't look too happy...

Final conclusion, that is three and a half hours of my life that I will never get back and I am going to beg my boyfriend not to lend me the next two films, which apparently add up to EIGHT HOURS!!!!

I will try to write again soon, but exams are coming up, so don't be surprised if I don't write until June.

Hasta la pasta peeps!


David Cochrane said...

So, what should I lend you next? I wonder...

Jenny G said...