Sunday 9 November 2008

Haven't written in a while!

Well, I stink at keeping this blog up to date. What has happened this past week?

Well, hhhhhmmmmm. We had a Halloween party on the Wednesday before Halloween, on Halloween I was given the chance to terrify little people with a certain Mrs Chad, and.... well that is about it.

Work is boring, school is hellish and... the music teacher is still alive.

However, I was involved in filming this years Rock Night at the school. This was exceptionally fun, though the difficult part is yet to come as we have to edit 3 hours worth of film down to a lousy 15 minutes. It will be an interesting challenge. The other part of this story is that the group that I am involved in have been given information to a competition where you have to make a 3 minute advert discouraging Audio Piracy. Any suggestions will be gratefully achieved!

Anyway, off to bed.



Anonymous said...

Rock night was really good and i agree with the music teacher (anyone in particulat mmmmmmmm miss menzies perhaps) she is a right muppet isn't she!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Come on jen will you write sometime soon!!