Sunday 22 February 2009

Have you missed me?

Seeing as I haven't written in a while, I thought I would do so just now.

Today has been a very, very long day at the theatre. We had two rehearsals of the first act of the King And I, which was just plain cruelty to all those involved! Firstly, our fabulous director was in charge of the music. Though he is a talented man, and I do not doubt that he can do some "wizard" things with technology, he should not be allowed to in charge of putting on music which has to be sung to. Plus, his laptop makes this very disturbing noise which oddly goes off at the worst possible time.

Anyway, the children in the Juniors were great, and were very good at working with the adults. In fact, they showed most of them up, which is very good for them, and very embarassing for the adults. I, of course, find this very amusing!

So, the rehearsals are finished, and I think I am going to get some food now, so I will leave you with a truly awful joke!

An Indian consulted his medicine man about a pain in his stomach that had persisted for three months.

"For something as long as that," said the Medicine Man, "I have a more drastic remedy than the herbs I normally prescribe. Chew on this leather thong every day. It is 31 inches long: chew one inch every day, and at the next moon come back."

The Indian dutifully did as directed, and at the next moon he returned to the Medicine Man.

"How do you feel?" the Medicine Man asked.

"The thong is ended, but the malady lingers on."

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